When I talk to friends on Wall Street or who work for large companies they'll often give me some advice "you know you can't eradicate poverty, right?" "look, not everyone wants to change how they live" "ok, it's great that you're working to improve the world, but there's lots of corruption and people working to destroy lives too." Exactly, that is exactly why my job is so important. More specifically, that is why it is so important to find all the people worldwide who want to improve the world, and introduce them to people who live nearby or far away who have the same goals; put them in touch, offer them resources, at the very least encourage them to do what they are passionate about and capable of doing.
Every day I receive emails from and talk to people who are passionate about changing the world and their communities, so why would this conference be so exciting? Because I can forget that not everyone spends their days speaking to incredible, dynamic people like I do. Meeting the young people, hearing from the older people, brainstorming about what each group could do to address the problems they were faced with reminded me once more of just how important World Youth Alliance is.
Why specifically World Youth Alliance? There's thousands of organisations and people worldwide doing incredible things to improve the world, many of them working in ways that WYA is not capable of working. So what is so great that we offer?
Three things:
1. We are an organisation of young people - this means that every single activity and project we undertake is spearheaded and completed by youth, under 30. Obviously we screw up a lot, but at the same time it is so empowering for a 20 year old with no prior experience to be in charge of a huge project and have it turn out ok, if they can do that, they can do anything!
2. We are international - this means that in many of our projects young people have the opportunity to meet and work alongside, and become friends with, people from around the world. In the process they have to deal with cultural sensitivity issues, and can understand the problems and solutions of people living in a country they knew nothing about prior to that experience.
3. We base all our activities on the dignity of every person - this means that no matter how irritating someone is, or how intensely you may dislike them, you still have to treat them with respect. More than that, you have to treat them with the respect they deserve. Overcoming all our personal prejudices of race, economic and social stature, language, religion, whatever else we may judge people on, and seeing them for who they are - another person who is worth just as much as we are - takes great courage. Once young people can do this, it changes their lives and how they view world problems and offers a new, humane solution to all the issues worldwide.
Attending the conference allowed me to share the idea of the dignity of every person with hundreds of other people. Hopefully the idea grabbed them and they'll now implement it in their lives and their communities. This is an idea that needs to be spread worldwide, and having the opportunity to tell more people, see their faces light up, and then to see all the ideas that flow from them of how they can improve something with that idea is so rewarding.
I also had the opportunity to improve my Spanish, which I hadn't spoken for two years. Having the opportunity to share my work and passion with hundreds of people and improve my language skills? What could be better.
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