There are only two rules:
1. Anyone can initiate; staff, intern, etc.
2. There is a limit of once/day for each In Dignity Moment of 5-15 minutes
I wasn't sure of the reaction to this idea, if people would tell me to stop wasting their time and focus on becoming more "professional." Haha, that was another spark for the In Dignity name, I assumed I would have a lot of Indignant people :) Quite the opposite... We've only had them taking place for about a week now, so I've had to remind people to make these moments happen. The response has been great!
The first In Dignity Moment was a brief improvisation skit, the next day we learned Kenyan dancing, yesterday we threw chocolate chips into each other's mouths from across the room, today we had ice cream and hot chocolate! You may be noticing a theme of activity and food...
It's wonderful though, since the In Dignity moments can consist of anything (which promotes dignity) they're wide open to people being creative and greatly help to break up the monotony of working for a full day in the office. I hope they continue forever... If you're really brave you can try this at home ;)
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