Thursday, January 25, 2007

Leaving NY

I leave in 3 hours for Africa. I'll be travelling throughout Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From Kenya, I will travel to Lebanon and then to the Philippines. I'll be gone for over a month.
I'll be travelling as the incoming president of the World Youth Alliance, to meet our members, speak to young people in these countries, meet our friends and supporters, and experience new cultures. I'm very much looking forward to this trip, I love to travel! I've always wanted to travel to Madagascar, but I'm not sure how many members we have there yet, so instead I'll visit the mainland of the continent and get my first introduction to a continent with such an incredible history, and bide my time till I can visit Madagascar. I'll be travelling throughout Africa with Winnie who is the Director of the African region of the World Youth Alliance, and with Ann Seabright throughout the whole trip, who is the chairman of our board.
While I'm away, I'll do my best to take tons of pictures; of scenery, members, activities, and whatever I think is particularly fascinating. I'm hoping to have access semi-regularly to internet to update my blog.

On another note, I went with some WYA staff, intern and friends to play pool last night. Simply to make everyone feel cool, I'll post a picture of our evening :)


Dominik said...

Good luck and safe travels!

I look forward to reading your writings :)

Tammy said...

Mary! Hope you have a great time in Africa and Lebanon! I want to be cool too - so you better post pictures of us when you get to Manila. ;)

MM said...

Dearest Mary,

Bon Voyage and God Speed and Have fun! Hug ALL of the Africans for me... its so awesome that you are going to blog your trip!!!

Little Hollster said...

Mary! It's been forever I know. I hope you have a really wonderful and safe trip (though I remember all the things you seemed to do to yourself up here in Freddy, hehe, so be careful). ;) Can't wait to see the pics/read the blog entries. Your life is soo crazy. All the best! Hopefully I'll be quicker with my e-mails next time...
Holly :)